Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eagle Eyed

Sometimes the fishing is much better than the catching. It's been a slow summer in the catching department, but the fishing has been wonderful. I've been all over the Cascades in the last two weeks. A real reminder of why I live in Oregon. Last Tuesday I wandered up a narrow rough road for a few miles and landed at Three Creeks Lake. It's a rare eco-system that surrounds this little jewel; an alpine environment with patches of snow still on the ground in August! Sometimes I wonder how much longer places like this will continue to exist. Given how many ranches and large tracts of land are being sub-divided, how many little tracts of homes are springing up, jet skis in the driveway, BBQ grill and mountain view in the backyard, and how much the area is changing I sense the need to savor each day and be thankful what it brings. While float-tubing and probing the depths with nymphs and streamers, my eyes caught a flash of white in the vivid blue above. An eagle came buy not so much to mock my efforts but to remind me that I was in "his house." He circled a few times and then landed in a tall pine and settled in right on the top of that tree. He watched a good while before moving on unnoticed. I'm going back someday and I'll bring a friend and a housewarming present too.

1 comment:

Cameron McPherson Smith said...

wow, beautiful place, bruce. wish i were there! but no -- a computer has hold of my leg and it will not let go until certain words have been written. you'll have to enjoy the outdoors for the rest of us for the moment :) see you at the next leora. cheers, cameron

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