Friday, July 26, 2013

The Tao of Flip Flop

The last two weeks have made this a summer to remember.  Life turns on a quarter.  A dime is no longer sufficient in this economy.  A heartbeat will do as well.  At this moment a fortnight ago I was on my back in a tattoo emporium having a rainbow trout engraved into my right forearm for life.  Mikki, the talented artist whom I chose, and I were having a good chin wag.  I handled the pain just fine and felt  fairly proud of myself until the next morning when we learned that our landlords, a delightful couple would be a couple no more.  The phrase 30 days notice" landed in the pit of my stomach and remained there day and night until three days later when found myself fishing in central Oregon at a favorite lake and thinking of nothing else but the osprey overhead and the beautiful brook trout I'd just released.  House hunting could wait.
Back at home I had a good laugh fantasizing that my landlords, or at least one of them, would call and say they'd changed their minds.  Denial comes in all forms and I was working my way up the list of predictable reactions.  Heading for anger and realizing that the foolishness of my response was only making me more depressed.  Then it happened.  The house might be sold to one of the pair.  If so we might actually be able to move downstairs (the bigger unit) and remain while one of the partners moves upstairs into our place.  A real flip flop.  One that would gradually take place.

Dreaming?  Shared visualization?  Divine intervention? Blind luck?  I really don't care...I don't have to move...well, not in the traditional sense that is, but in one very atypical way.
This is going to be a once in a lifetime experience.  Some things will flip and flop quite easily, but others present a real logistical mail, utilities, changes of address...  We will go slow and easy on all these things.  In fact, I still can't quite be convinced that this is all going to work out. I'd love to be all wrong, but I just don't know, truth be told.  In any event, it'll be an adventure and at this point, I'll all for that.  I'm working on finding the Zen of all this change.  That and hoping that all the trips up and down stairs will strengthen my legs even more.

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