Saturday, January 27, 2018


A story in 5 parts

"I want you to do something for me," said Martin on this rare telephone call.  Those words have never been easy for me because the foretell something either secretive or a request that leaves me little choice in the matter.
The last time I heard those 8 little words was when my sister converted to Catholicism.  I was to answer all questions from the Monsenior who would soon call.  "Do this for me and please don't question my motivation," Donna said.  "I'm doing this for my husband, can I count on you?"
She could.
But there was Martin, my Berkeley friend with his New Jersey accent asking me the same question.
"What is it you want from me, Martin?"
"I want you to go on a date, not with me, but yeah with me and some women?"
This couldn't be simple, but I was intrigued.
Martin explained that he'd answered a personal ad in the East Bay Express.  3 women were looking for 3 men to join them for dinner.  The three men need not be friends but that wasn't out of the question either.

Point of historical clarification:
In the years immediately before the personal computer changed the social order in this culture, there were various attempts that well-meaning people used to meet other well-meaning people.
A brief survey of those methods would be useful here.
(to be continued)

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