Thursday, January 6, 2022

Lift Up Your Head

 Woody Guthrie has a Facebook page.  Figures, he's not the only cultural icon who has not been with us for over 50 years that makes a presence on Facebook.  

The posts on that page are made by the official Woody Guthrie Publishing Company.  As is often the case, today's post is right on the money.

It's no surprise that this song written so many years ago, fits in perfectly with the theme of fragile democracy that is so poignant of this January 6th date commemorating the first anniversary of Trump's attempted coup.

The visual images of this day in 2022 are just as striking as last year at this time.  The Speaker of the House makes a speech and only 2 Republicans are present.  A house divided in the flesh.  The fact that both Liz Cheney and her father, Dick Cheney, the former Vice President are sitting amidst empty chairs states the case. The Republican Party is out to lunch in every sense of the phrase.  

If Woody Guthrie is a national treasure, and I assure you he is, then his words of wisdom here are gold.  We must all take a minute today and heed these words.  I wonder who might be the best choice to sing this song? Perhaps with the frequency of those repetitious commercials, we all love to hate.  Imagine folks walking around with this as an earworm.  Thousands of people all over the country humming and mumbling these words.  Woody would love it.

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