Friday, March 22, 2024

Not Like They Used To


With some help from friend Jory Aronson, a great mandolin player, here is an up dated version of my "Levi Song."  

To the tune of The Streets of Bakersfield by Buck Owens...or something similar.

        Levi Song

They don’t make ‘em like they used to

I won’t buy them at the store

The Levi’s I once knew and loved,

They don't work for me no more.

The fabric is by far much thinner,

It don’t last too long this way.

The blue jeans that were once a winner,

Don't hold up from day to day.


Levi has become the essence

Of a known phenomenon.

They have built-in obsolescence,

Corporate greed continues on.

Maybe I sound sentimental,

Perhaps a little bit berserk,

Still, I issue out a warning,

Don’t wear Levi’s when you work!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Condemned to Repeat:Trump Supporters CLUELESS About What Caused The Civil War

This YouTube video is both shocking and revealing. One one level, using a definition of ignorance  as “not knowing” you might conclude that these folks just don’t know American history too well. On another level they are disgracefully ignorant. Who draws a blank when asked What caused the Civil War?  More importantly why?
If there is anything that anyone with a basic education knows in the country it's the story of how our democracy came to be.  We yearly celebrate the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln.  Certainly, these folks in the video have heard of them?  Maybe not.  Lincoln, above all is arguably the most iconic figure in American history.  He's on our calendar, our money, and easily recognizable.  
Maybe, like Nikki Haily, they just don't want to say the word slavery.  That would acknowledge the racist history of our country and the thread of white supremacy that runs through our entire history from its inception to the present.  For 35 years, I went to teacher's conferences and visited the publisher's displays.  Every book published or used in a school has a chapter or two on the Civil War.  It is impossible to take any Jr. High or High School history class and not be exposed to some coverage of the causes of the Civil War.  Most give a combination of reasons from vague explanations of how the two sections of the country, North and South, had different economies.  But always, slavery is mentioned as the leading cause.  As Lincoln, himself, said, this nation cannot long exist "half slave and half free." 
Maybe the videographer sought out the most ignorant folks he could find.  Or perhaps he did 50 or more interviews and focused on those who came up empty. No matter, my suspicion is that the same result would occur at any Trump rally.  Why is that?  Your call.  
In his latest book, And There Was Light, historian John Meachum explores the life of Abraham Lincoln and his constant struggle to lead the country during the Civil War years.  Henry Louis Gates, in his review of the book, notes that Meachum has given us "a Lincoln for our times."  He certainly has, for the similarities between then and now are most striking.  The country then as now with the abortion debate, vis a vis the slavery debate was dealing with an enormously divisive issue. Both sides invoked their notions of God to justify their thinking.  
Lincoln worried about the loss of the democratic experiment that is our government.  Insurrectionists had taken up arms.  Not so far from today's crises.  Looks like we are faced with a Presidential candidate again who does not value democracy as Lincoln did.  Being Republicans is about the only thing they have in common.  Lincoln was an avid reader and often quoted Greek Philosophers and Shakespeare.  
Too bad there wasn't a literacy requirement to run for President.  A reading list would be a good thing.  It might eliminate those who would be bound to repeat the less noble aspects of our common history.  I wonder if the current Republican candidate for President knows what caused the Civil War?

Play Time

 Play is the work of childhood.  So the experts tell us.  But a child's play is no longer what it once was.  Child psychologists have re...