Thursday, August 11, 2022

Above the Law

 "No one is above the law..." So say the politicos and the Attorney General, and all but a handful of Republican sycophants.  Of course, the defeated ex-President continues to act in such a way that he is much higher above the law.   Famous for his diatribe on why people plead the 5th Amendment so as not to self-incriminate, he then turns right around and uses it himself.  His hypocrisy is consistent.  

He's hiding his guilt and raising millions in the process.  This is a crossroads for American democracy.  I'd add a few other things like the two-party system as well.  

We are fastening our seat belts for the sure-to-come bumpy ride that will play out all the way until the next presidential election.  While Trump maneuvers state legislatures and state secretaries, he's on a collision course with the Department of Justice.  Only when the orange man is reclining in a brand new orange jumpsuit will we know for sure that he has been accountable for any of his misdeeds.  

History is being written before our eyes.  Unfortunately, the majority of Americans refuse or are unable to see it.  His supporters have an agenda and they care little for any ethical or moral issues that get in the way.  What mystifies some is very clear to others.  I'll try to explain.

What would make reasonable intelligent people fall for this con-man, grifter, pathological liar?  It's his views on certain issues that have taken priority over any sense of personal ethics.  His stance on immigration, racial issues, foreign policy, and how to run an economy has trumped any sense of morality and decency.  His people are afraid.  Motivated by this fear of the unknown, the loss of status, and the changing demographics will explain their allegiance.  Not that you didn't already know this.  All these issues underlie everything else and explain, in part, why they never talk much in specifics.  

When people remember these days, years from now, what will no doubt stand out is not the outrageous actions of the man who would be a president but...dictator.   It will be the inaction of most members of his own party.  That party may cease to exist in the near future.  It seems to be purging all members who have a moral compass and when it counted most stood up for the truth.  What then remains?  

Political parties have long invented and re-invented themselves.  Perhaps we'll see that happen.  But the opposition, the Democratic Party, must continue to evolve if anything positive is to come from all this upheaval.  History shows us that Democrats win when they have a movement going.  Easy examples are Obama, Clinton, Carter, and of course FDR.  Where's the movement now?  I'm waiting.

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 In October of 1965 I am 18 years old, living at home and attending my first year of college.  The previous year has been one of enormous ch...