Sunday, July 7, 2024


 I'd like to see some changes made. Especially in electoral politics.  Not in the counting or the campaigning.  How about the qualifying?  We are all too willing to pass tests in the classroom, for the DMV, evener skill levels like Karate or advanced degrees.  Those tests can be written or oral.  But not for political office.  Not even the highest office in the land, the Presidency.  Given the power of the Presidency, I'd like to see some proficiency standards set.  

A Presidential candidate should be able to qualify for the ballot in a few key areas. Most notable a President should be a reader.  I'd go so far as a reading list for the office.  What 10 books would you put on that list, and why? 

Given the composition of the current Congress as well as some of those who would be President, I'd like prospective office holders to pass a psychological screening test. That way we could eliminate the plethora of sociopathic contenders who seem to be attracted to politics.  Determining the mental stability of future candidates would prove both useful and crucial given the current trends.

It seems to me that when all the drama of the current political situation settles, we would do well to take stock of what we have or should have learned.  Foremost on my list will be my disappointment at how so many of the American people can be fooled by a malignant narcissist, who happens to check all the boxes of psychopathy.  It should be a national goal to teach folks how to spot one and how to dismiss one before it's too late.

Years ago, when the political situation called for it, we used to have "Teach-Ins."  An offshoot of the strategy of a sit-in, this activity would invite experts on all aspects of a topic to present vetted factual material.  Not a debate, a teach-in would attempt to educate the masses about topics of interest and concern. They were often held in great halls of education or even large theaters or concert venues. Today, they could be either virtual, or even TV specials. All are invited.  Imagine how different it would feel if we were all working with the same established set of facts that could be verified.

The more I write about this, the more I think it is needed.  The difficulty, of course, is that it will take political will to bring it about.  That's the contradiction we face.   For now, think about what we want our future leaders to be, to read and think about.  Think about what we want their disposition to be.  A national conversation would work wonders.  Not a Fireside chat.  Not a lecture.  A two-way conversation where all are seen and most importantly heard.

Let's make some changes.

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