Monday, February 18, 2019

A Good Place to Get Depressed

I walk the same streets,
                 looking for character and finding
                 irregular families and those alone who
mark their trails with institutional voices.

This would be a good place to get depressed,
that is if it weren't already in the air,

New attendees think that a quaint spirit is
somehow in the coffee, in the movie theater, or in
what passes for a bookstore.

The motorcycle gang eats sushi before
polishing their leather,
they attend sessions in the county medical clinic.

 Just like I said, they smile at you and try to pretend
their machines aren't too loud, or too blinding.

Come walk with me,
we are sure to see a child who is delighted to be
hiding under a tree.

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I Read Banned Books

 I see my home state is at it again. Book banning at some schools in Grant's Pass, Oregon.  his overprotective, curiosity killing sport ...